Writing the perfect college essay
What Is A Paper Topic I Can Write About Creativity In Reading Class Elementary
Thursday, September 3, 2020
King Lear Essay
â€Å"Drama is basically about the battle for power and the effect of this battle on people. †How does Shakespeare utilize a scope of abstract shows and composing strategies to investigate this idea? Inside Shakespeare’s creations the battle for power inside people is spoken to; in content as well as stage headings and composing strategies. ‘King Lear’ is a disaster, viewed as an artistic magnum opus. All through the harmonizing plots, clashes between heartbreaking saints and their ‘loyal’ adherents build up the significant thoughts of the play. The idea of the world, disloyalty and reliability are altogether subjects that structure the premise of these contentions. Unavoidably these subjects incite the crowd to agree with specific characters and make advanced analogies towards explicit topics in the content; great doing combating abhorrent is the foundation of the content and the inescapable battle to recover power. Inside the content Shakespeare presents characters of incredible covetousness and desire in the push to pick up power. Their battle towards power is followed, Edmund looking for Gloucester’s title and Gonerill and Regan in the chase for Lear’s land and force. At first, the crowd is given the ‘love test’ in which Lear’s girls need to compliment their dad into separating the Kingdom. Subsequently, Shakespeare portends the repercussions of Lear’s activities through analogy ‘We have seen the best of our time†¦ every ruinous issue tail us disquietly to our graves†¦ we make blameworthy of our disasters†¦ by and impacted compliance of planetary influence’. Through Gloucester’s words the bearing of the play turns out to be progressively self-evident. From Act I we are given a battle of intensity and more is foreshadowed. Control is likewise an apparatus utilized by Shakespeare to make forceful feeling inside the skirmish of good versus insidious. The tempest blending outside the Kingdom is allegorically what is happening inside Lear’s head. Right now Lear is loaded with struggle, outrage and confusion much like the earth ‘one disapproved of like the climate, most unquietly’. Shakespeare is controlling the crowd, changing their feelings in agreement to the tone of the demonstration. Shakespeare has permitted the crowd to shape their own perspectives on characters, simply in the wake of giving solid enticing images and aims of their capacity. Imagery is the best gadget in the content showing how merciless characters, for example, Gonerill, Regan and Edmund seek after capacity to fulfill their necessities. Gonerill particularly, when portrayed as having a ‘wolfish visage’ and as being ‘Sharp-toothed, similar to a vulture’. Correspondingly, Regan is introduced in a similar light; ‘looked black†¦ most snake like’. On an entire, the sisters are ‘animalistic’ with ‘boarish fangs’, ‘monsters of the deep’, ‘dog hearted daughters’ and ‘tigers not daughters’. Then again Shakespeare differentiates this and passes on Cordelia with ‘saint’ like status, ‘sing like feathered creatures in a cage’. Cordelia is actually the main figure to be spoken to decidedly. Through this image of Cordelia the crowd is quickly pulled in towards her. While Gonerill and Regan are the encapsulation of malevolence, Cordelia before the finish of the play is perceived to be the genuine embodiment of goodness. Shakespeare additionally gives bestial imagery, through Lear, while depicting humankind. ‘poor uncovered forked animal’ depicting man’s respectability. It likewise unexpected in the sense, that as Lear increases a feeling of being he can sum up humanity through the force he once had. In spite of the fact that Gloucester is genuinely blinded, Lear is represented allegorically through his powerlessness to see the world plainly, ‘see better, Lear’. At the point when the sub plots at long last meet, Lear’s experience with Gloucester is helpful as things become noticeable. With cautious discernment, it turns out to be progressively clear that Gloucester’s blinding is the physical indication of the psychological torment Lear perseveres. Shakespeare incorporates incongruity after Gloucester’s physical blinding, ‘I faltered when I saw’. He at long last recognizes his errors and misjudgements about his children. For another situation this might be clever to the crowd yet in certainty it conveys satire of the twisted. The crowd is profoundly disheartened through the incongruity. At the point when Gloucester could see, he couldn’t see the genuine nature of his children. Alternately when he turned out to be truly blinded it was at exactly that point, that he completely comprehended his son’s genuine personalities. Gloucester likewise turns out to be progressively insightful with his disaster, and is nearly emphasizing focal thoughts of the play, ‘As flies to wanton Boys, are we to the Gods; they slaughter us for their game. ’ He is going about as an apparatus for Shakespeare to show the effect of intensity among individuals. That humankind is unnecessary. Strife is the fundamental show Shakespeare utilizes, giving the crowd knowledge into the genuine intentions of characters great or fiendishness. From this we can figure out who truly is acceptable, and who is generally detestable. The unavoidable fight among Edmund and the remainder of his family, Edgar and Gloucester nearly drives Gloucester past the constraints of continuance. Gloucester’s overpowering torment; both truly and intellectually, incur significant damage, ‘but his heart flawed†¦burst smilingly’. Thus, Lear is gotten through enduring by his ‘pelican daughters’, and develops from it. At first he is a pretentious, conceited man which through his enduring recognizes that popularity and force are transient. Before the finish of the content Lear has formed into a philosophical, fatalistic elderly person. Control is again utilized by Shakespeare yet in an unexpected sense, as force is annihilated, amicability is created. As Lear accommodates with Cordelia, the mood melodies speaks to Lear’s perspective. Music is the specialty of consolidating vocal and instrumental sound to create congruity and express feeling. The tranquility of the music speaks to Lear’s mental state and significant serenity, ‘my own tears do singe like liquid lead’. This is amusing as Shakespeare has changed Lear much equivalent to the climate. In obscurity miserable tempest, Lear was delicate, contrasted with spring the indication of new life where he is come back to quietness. Shakespeare exemplifies the battle for force and its tangled impact. The content is changed into another measurement with the utilization of composing procedures and abstract shows. Incongruity has been the foundation where the focal thoughts of the play have been molded, furnishing the peruser with ageless life sores. Ruler Lear is a book that advocates the battle for force and how this effects people. People must know about the addictive idea of intensity and be careful about its dangerous capacity.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Imjin War, Japanese Invasions of Korea
The Imjin War, Japanese Invasions of Korea Dates: May 23, 1592 - December 24, 1598 Adversaries: Japan versus Joseon Korea and Ming China Troop strength:â Korea - 172,000 national armed force and naval force, 20,000 extremist contenders Ming China - 43,000 royal soldiers (1592 arrangement); 75,000 to 90,000 (1597 organization) Japan - 158,000 samurai and mariners (1592 intrusion); 141,000 samurai and mariners (1597 attack) Outcome: Victory for Korea and China, drove by Korean maritime triumphs. Thrashing for Japan. In 1592, the Japanese warlord Toyotomi Hideyoshi propelled his samurai armed forces against the Korean Peninsula. It was the initial move in the Imjin War (1592-98). Hideyoshi imagined this as the initial phase in a crusade to vanquish Ming China; he expected to turn over Korea rapidly, and even longed for going on to India once China had fallen. Be that as it may, the attack didn't go as Hideyoshi arranged. Develop to the First Invasion  As right on time as 1577, Toyotomi Hideyoshi wrote in a letter that he fantasized vanquishing China. At that point, he was only one of Oda Nobunagas officers. Japan itself was still in the pains of the Sengoku or Warring States period, a century-long time of mayhem and common war among the various spaces. By 1591, Nobunaga was dead and Hideyoshi was responsible for a substantially more bound together Japan, with northern Honshu the last significant district to tumble to his armed forces.  Having achieved so a lot, Hideyoshi started to give genuine idea again to his old fantasy about taking on China, the significant intensity of East Asia.  A triumph would demonstrate the might of reunified Japan, and bring her tremendous greatness. Hideyoshi first sent emissaries to the court of Joseon Koreas King Seonjo in 1591, mentioning authorization to send a Japanese armed force through Korea on its approach to assault China. The Korean lord won't.  Korea had for quite some time been a tributary territory of Ming China, while relations with Sengoku Japan had genuinely weakened gratitude to relentless Japanese privateer assaults from the beginning Koreas coast.  There was just no chance that the Koreans would permit Japanese soldiers to utilize their nation as an organizing ground for an ambush on China. Ruler Seonjo sent his own international safe havens to Japan thusly, to attempt to realize what Hideyoshis aims were. The various envoys came back with various reports, and Seonjo decided to accept the individuals who said that Japan would not assault. He made no military arrangements. Hideyoshi, be that as it may, was occupied with social event a multitude of 225,000 men. Its officials and the vast majority of the soldiers were samurai, both mounted and infantrymen, under the initiative of some major daimyo from Japans most remarkable spaces.  Some of the soldiers were likewise from the basic classes, ranchers or specialists, who were recruited to battle. Furthermore, Japanese laborers assembled an immense maritime base on western Kyushu, directly over the Tsushima Strait from Korea. The maritime power that would ship this colossal armed force over the waterway comprised of the two men-of-war and demanded privateer vessels, kept an eye on by an aggregate of 9,000 mariners. Japan Attacks The primary rush of Japanese soldiers showed up at Busan, on Koreas southeast corner, on April 13, 1592. Nearly 700 vessels offloaded three divisions of samurai troopers, who surged Busans ill-equipped protections and caught this significant port very quickly. The couple of Korean officers who endure the invasion sent delivery people rushing to King Seonjos court in Seoul, while the rest withdrew inland to attempt to pull together. Furnished with black powder rifles, against Koreans with bows and blades, the Japanese soldiers immediately cleared toward Seoul. Around 100 kilometers from their objective, they met the principal genuine opposition on April 28 - a Korean armed force of around 100,000 men at Chungju. Not confiding in his green enlisted people to remain on the field, Korean general Shin Rip organized his powers in a muggy y-formed territory between the Han and Talcheon Rivers.  The Koreans needed to stand and battle or kick the bucket.  Unfortunately for them, the 8,000 Korean mounted force riders stalled in overwhelmed rice paddies and Korean bolts had an a lot shorter range than the Japanese flintlocks. The Battle of Chungju before long transformed into a slaughter. General Shin drove two charges against the Japanese, however couldnt get through their lines. Freezing, the Korean soldiers fled and hopped into the streams where they suffocated, or got hacked down and executed by samurai blades.  General Shin and different officials ended it all by suffocating themselves in the Han River. When King Seonjo heard that his military was crushed, and the saint of the Jurchen Wars, General Shin Rip, was dead, he got together his court and fled north. Furious that their ruler was abandoning them, individuals along his flight way took the entirety of the ponies from the illustrious party. Seonjo didnt stop until he came to Uiju, on the Yalu River, which is presently the outskirt between North Korea and China. Only three weeks after they arrived at Busan, the Japanese caught the Korean capital of Seoul (at that point called Hanseong). It was a dismal second for Korea. Chief of naval operations Yi and the Turtle Ship Not at all like King Seonjo and the military administrators, the naval commander who was responsible for safeguarding Koreas southwest coast had taken the danger of a Japanese intrusion genuinely, and had started to get ready for it.  Admiral Yi Sun-shin, the Left Navy Commander of Cholla Province, had spent the past couple of years developing Koreas maritime quality.  He even designed another sort of boat dissimilar to anything known previously. This new boat was known as the kobuk-child, or turtle boat, and it was the universes first iron-clad warship. The kobuk-children deck was secured with hexagonal iron plates, just like the body, to forestall foe gun fired from harming the planking and to avert shoot from flaring bolts. It had 20 paddles, for mobility and speed in fight. On the deck, iron spikes stuck up to demoralize boarding endeavors by foe contenders. A winged serpents head nonentity on the bow covered four gun that shot iron shrapnel at the adversary. Antiquarians accept that Yi Sun-shin himself was answerable for this creative structure. With an a lot littler armada than Japans, Admiral Yi piled on 10 smashing maritime triumphs in succession through utilization of his turtle boats, and his splendid fight strategies. In the initial six fights, the Japanese lost 114 boats and a huge number of their mariners. Korea, interestingly, lost zero boats and 11 mariners. To a limited extent, this astonishing record was likewise because of the way that the majority of Japans mariners were ineffectively prepared previous privateers, while Admiral Yi had been cautiously preparing an expert maritime power for quite a long time. The Korean Navys tenth triumph brought Admiral Yi an arrangement as the Commander of the Three Southern Provinces. On July 8, 1592, Japan endured its most exceedingly awful annihilation yet because of Admiral Yi and the Korean naval force. In the Battle of Hansan-do, Admiral Yis armada of 56 met a Japanese armada of 73 boats. The Koreans figured out how to encompass the bigger armada, pulverizing 47 of them and catching 12 more. Around 9,000 Japanese fighters and mariners were executed.  Korean lost none of its boats, and only 19 Korean mariners passed on. Chief of naval operations Yis triumphs adrift were not just a humiliation for Japan. The Korean maritime activities remove the Japanese armed force from the home islands, leaving it abandoned in Korea without provisions, fortifications, or a correspondence course. Despite the fact that the Japanese had the option to catch the old northern capital at Pyongyang on July 20, 1592, their northward development before long impeded down.â Renegades and Ming With the worn out remainders of the Korean armed force hard-squeezed, however loaded up with trust on account of Koreas maritime triumphs, the standard individuals of Korea ascended and started a guerrilla war against the Japanese trespassers. A huge number of ranchers and slaves took out little gatherings of Japanese fighters, put a match to Japanese camps, and for the most part harried the attacking power every way under the sun. Before the finish of the attack, they were sorting out themselves into impressive battling powers, and winning set fights against the samurai. In February, 1593, the Ming government at long last understood that the Japanese intrusion of Korea represented a genuine danger to China too. At this point, some Japanese divisions were doing combating with the Jurchens in what is currently Manchuria, northern China. The Ming sent a multitude of 50,000 which immediately directed the Japanese from Pyongyang, pushing them south to Seoul.â Japan Retreats China took steps to send an a lot bigger power, somewhere in the range of 400,000 in number, if the Japanese didnt pull back from Korea. The Japanese officers on the ground consented to pull back to the zone around Busan while harmony talks were held. By May of 1593, the majority of the Korean Peninsula had been freed, and the Japanese were completely amassed in a tight waterfront strip on the southwestern corner of the nation. Japan and China decided to hold harmony talks without welcoming any Koreans to the table. At long last, these would delay for a long time, and emissaries for the two sides took bogus reports back to their rulers. Hideyoshis commanders, who dreaded his inexorably sporadic conduct and his propensity for having individuals bubbled alive, gave him the feeling that they had won the Imjin War. Thus, Hideyoshi gave a progression of requests: China would permit Japan to add the four southern regions of Korea; one of the Chinese sovereigns girls would be hitched to the Japanese heads child; and Japan would get a Korean ruler and different aristocrats as prisoners to ensure Koreas consistence with Japanese requests. The Chinese appointment dreaded for their own lives on the off chance that they introduced such an over the top arrangement to the Wanli Emperor, so they manufactured a considerably more modest letter wherein Hideyoshi asked China to acknowledge Japan as a tributary state. Predictably, Hideyoshi was in
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Practical Proposal
Ought to Minnesota’s County Road Commissions Take on More Responsibility? Katherine Monrowe ENG 101b Professor B. Hatchett November 10, 2008 November 8, 2008 Mr. Walter Hooper Chairman of T. R. Region Road Commission 1881 Labree Ave. Criminal River Falls, MN 56701 Dear Mr. Hooper, Enclosed is my suggestion that the T. R. Region Road Commission start to furrow or potentially sand the fundamental business suburbanite streets all the more often after and during nasty climate. During the recent years, the street commission has been excessively badly arranged to manage the winter climate, and the absence of readiness has caused numerous terrible accidents.My proposition would furnish concerned Thief River Falls occupants with a recharged conviction that all is good. I accept that if the street commission were to build the measure of times that the streets are furrowed during and after winter climate, inhabitants would feel more dependability and regard towards the individuals who w ork for our region, and it would assist occupants with having a more secure drive to their occupations and their homes. Much obliged to you for setting aside the effort to peruse and think about this proposition. Genuinely, Katherine Monrowe Should Minnesota’s County Road Commissions Take on More Responsibility? The winters in Northern Minnesota are brutal, cold, and dangerous.The normal snowfall for the state falls somewhere in the range of 30 and 38 inches for every year. Inside the previous five years, the temperatures have been known to change incredibly; from hotter temperatures during the day, to beneath freezing as the night progressed. These temperature changes can cause perilous street conditions, for example, dark ice, which can unsafe or even fatal. Alongside the climate changes, the region street commissions all through Minnesota have been making changes also; they have, fundamentally, cut back on the measure of time and exertion that they spend furrowing, sanding , and additionally salting the roads.These cut backs may appear to be minor, yet they are bringing about numerous superfluous mishaps and not exactly attractive driving conditions. This powers inhabitants to pose the inquiry, ought to Minnesota’s nation street commissions assume on greater liability? I accept that the best answer for this issue is assign explicit times, throughout the winter months, to furrowing/sanding/salting, and necessitate that more consideration be paid to the streets when the climate conditions are dangerous.I believe that if the inhabitants of Thief River County, and conceivably the whole of state Michigan, were given a more secure drive, they would feel more dedication and regard towards the individuals who work for our province. After the province of Minnesota executed many spending cuts, subsidizing was cut an excessive number of significant associations, one being the district street commissions. Our administration authorities neglect to perceive every one of that involves these spending cuts. Have the driving conditions endured, yet parking area conditions have also.The handicap parking spots are totally ignored, making debilitated and old residents chance injury by stopping or strolling through day off ice (Schneider, 2001). Not exclusively are the individuals who drive themselves influenced by the winter street conditions, yet the individuals who use open transportation are influenced also. On the off chance that the street commission is delayed to deal with streets, at that point open transportation (e. g. transports, taxis, etc†¦) will be late to get its travelers. This, thusly, will make its travelers behind schedule for work and may make them lose their jobs.Also, some may contend that there is consistently a hazard while driving, and additional time spent dealing with the streets throughout the winter won't decrease the hazard. Be that as it may, M. Peden states, â€Å"While in functional terms it may not be co nceivable totally to dispose of all hazard, it is conceivable to decrease the presentation to danger of serious injury and to limit its power and outcomes (2004). †Peden’s quote states precisely the point that I am attempting to demonstrate. I comprehend that the hazard won't be totally removed; in any case, the hances can be altogether diminished if the streets are furrowed and sanded. It is obvious to see that the spending cuts are all the more a hazard, and the expansion in mishaps and the requirement for tow trucks have cost the state significantly more cash. Marina Fulton, of Kingston, has a thirty-minute drive to her office and when the climate is at its more terrible, Fulton needs to leave an additional hour early just to make it to take a shot at time (2008). Clearly, the winters of Northern Minnesota will be hazardous, despite the fact that the street conditions could be improved.However, if the streets were appropriately dealt with, inhabitants would have mor e opportunity to land to their positions and feel more secure on their way. I accept that if the T. R. district street commission were to execute the recommendations in this proposition in January of 2009, they’d have the option to get a â€Å"head start†on the months where winter is its harshest. Linda Boonstrand, of Thief River, expressed â€Å"I would feel more secure driving with my two youthful girls if the street commission were to deal with the streets all the more altogether (2008). With the advances in innovation that our nation is proceeding to make, street commissions ought to have the option to discover when severe climate in on its way and be set up to deal with the streets (Committee on Weather Research for Transportation, 2004). Taking everything into account, I am calling upon my province to invest more energy dealing with the streets throughout the winter months, particularly more during nasty climate. I accept that the additional time spent clearing /sanding/salting the streets all through the winter will bring about a more secure and more joyful community.Thank you for setting aside the effort to audit and think about this proposition. I anticipate got notification from you. Works Cited Boonstrand, L. (December 6, 2008) Personal meeting. Board of trustees on Weather Research for Surface Transportation. (2004). Where the climate meets the street: an exploration motivation for improving street climate administrations. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Recovered December, 6, 2008, from NetLibrary Database. Downs, A. (2004). Still trapped in rush hour gridlock: adapting to top hour traffic blockage. Washington, D. C. Brookings Institution Press.Retrieved December, 6, 2008, from NetLibrary database.. Fulton, M. (December 5, 2008) Personal meeting. Lord, K. (2002, May 23). New spending calls for slight trims in city charges, staff †Manager Holt says the city’s â€Å"lean operation†proceeds. The Grand Rapi ds Press Online. Recovered on December, 7, 2008, from Newsbank database. Peden, M. M. (2004). World report on street traffic injury avoidance. Geneva WHO. Recovered December, 6, 2008, from NetLibrary database. Schneider, J. (2001, January 29). Difficult situation. The Lansing State Journal Online. Recovered on December, 10, 2008, from Newsbank database.
The Asian Financial Crisis Essay example -- Business Economics Globali
The Asian Financial Crisis Numerous business analysts have said that the development experienced by Southeastern Asian nations during the 1980s and mid 1990s was a supernatural occurrence. Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia and different nations in the area experienced yearly development paces of more than 7 percent. Alongside this quick development, these nations likewise observed next to no joblessness and a practically imperceptible riches hole between the distinctive social and financial classes of residents. Conditions have significantly changed, be that as it may. In the mid year of 1997, Southeast Asia encountered a period of extraordinary budgetary and monetary strife. From the outset, the monetary emergency was detached in Thailand's budgetary division, however it immediately spread to Malaysia, Indonesia and South Korea too. The Prosperous Times It appears that Southeast Asia has consistently had the option to turn awful occasions around and recoup to wind up as the absolute most grounded economies on the planet. South Korea, for example, was powerless and defenseless in the wake of battling a common war with North Korea in 1953. Be that as it may, somewhere in the range of 1960 and 1990, the nation experienced amazing monetary development and recuperation, and soon the world's eleventh most impressive economy. Numerous other Southeast Asian nations had comparative encounters. South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore were recently known as the Four Tigers due to their quick and forceful passage into the worldwide commercial center. Different models incorporate Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, every one of which experienced fast development and thriving in moderately brief timeframes. In the U.S., the Asian marvel worked up both amazement and dread. This was particularly so during the 1980s when Asian items became furious rivalry for American items. Japan’s autos and gadgets were matched U.S. items and caused a lot of dread among makers in these U.S. markets. This opposition, to a limited extent, prompted a U.S. exchange shortage. U.S. congress responded by passing various exchange guidelines planned for ensuring U.S. businesses. Southeast Asian governments occupied with acts that advanced certain enterprises and organizations. They furnished them with charge credits or appropriations. These approaches permitted Asian government pioneers to pick the main businesses and assisted with guaranteeing their prosperity as opposed to permit the facilitated commerce market to direct such choices. Consequently, these nations had a capacity to control and direct th... ...g-term impacts are probably going to be certain, at any rate when society all in all is thought of. Likewise with all things, there will be champs and there will be washouts. The desire for society is that the washouts lose not exactly the champs win, and that the winner’s additions can be responded to all included. List of sources: Bello, Walden. The End of the Asian Miracle. The Nation. January 12/19, 1998: 16. Steward, Steven. New Attitudes in Asia. U.S. News and World Report. December 29, 1997/January 5, 1998: 17. Hornik, Richard. The Myth of the Miracle. Time. December 8, 1997: 40. Lacayo, Richard. IMF to the Rescue. Time. December 8, 1997: 36. Lee, Charles. â€Å"The Next Domino?†Far Eastern Economic Review. November 20, 1997: 14-16. Richburg, Keith. SE Asians Call for Help as Currencies Plunge. Washington Post. December 16, 1997: A1. Web Sources http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~nroubini/asia/AsiaHomepage.html. What Caused Asia's Economic and Currency Crisis and Its Global Contagion? Nouriel Roubini http://www.ids.ac.uk/ids/publicat/dp367.html. The East Asian Financial Crisis: A Reflection on its Causes, Consequences and Policy Implications. IDS Discussion Paper 367. Stephany
Friday, August 21, 2020
The World Health Organisation Essay -- WHO World Health Organization P
The World Health Organization Presentation ============ The World Health Organization (WHO) was built up in 1948 to bargain with significant medical problems of the world. A portion of the assignments the association takes care of are to co-ordinate clinical research, screen what's more, battle the irresistible sicknesses of the world, and to help creating nations set up sufficient wellbeing administrations. The WHO has over 150 part nations with its home office Geneva, Switzerland. The point of the WHO is ‘to assist individuals with achieving the most noteworthy potential levels of wellbeing. The administrations of the organization may either be warning or technical[1]. A few administrations incorporate preparing of clinical work force, battling ailment episodes and scourges, and distributing a progression of specialized and logical works. The plan of WHO involves the policymaking association known as the World Health Assembly, which comprises of delegates of all part countries and amasses yearly. This further involves an selective leading group of 31 people chose by the get together and a secretariat, comprising of a chief general and a specialized and regulatory staff. The office has local associations for Southeast Asia, the eastern Mediterranean zone, Europe, Africa, the Americas, and the western Pacific area1. The WHO and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) ==================================================== SARS is the primary worldwide pandemic of the 21st century that has stunned the monetary and the travel industry enterprises. I have almost no information on pestilences and the SARS infection, subsequently this is my opportunity to pick up mindfulness on this issue. The principal instance of SA... .../RefEdList.aspx?refid=210133201> (Current at 9 June 2003) ‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome’ http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/severeacuterespiratorysyndrome.html (Current at 9 June 2003) ‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)’ (Current at 9 June 2003) ‘Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)’ http://www.who.int/csr/sars (Current at 9 June 2003) Compact disc ROMs - ‘World Health Organisation’, ‘Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’. ENCARTA 2000 Encyclopedia Books - Brooman J. ‘United Nations?’ 1990. Pg 22. Longman Group UK Ltd. - - - - - [1] World Health Organization, Microsoftâ ® Encartaâ ® Encyclopedia 2000. Â © 1993-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights saved.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
#NoBanNoWall received this email from mit administration sometime yesterday: To the members of the MIT community: The Executive Order President Trump signed yesterday restricting individuals from seven countries from entering the United States is already having an impact on members of our community. While we are very troubled by this situation, our first concern is for those of our international students and scholars who are directly affected. We are working closely with them to offer every support we can. We are also keeping close watch on the overall situation and exploring the best options to help and respond. If you have specific questions, please contact David Elwell, associate dean and director of the International Students Office or Penny Rosser, director of the International Scholars Office. Sincerely, Martin A. Schmidt Cynthia Barnhart Maria T. Zuber * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * got this updated letter this morning: To the members of the MIT community: Yesterday afternoon, we wrote to you about President Trumps executive order restricting people from seven countries from entering the United States. We write now with an important update and with new guidance to directly affected members of the MIT community. Update Early this morning, the Massachusetts federal district court issued a temporary order that restrains the government from enforcing the Executive Order to detain or remove holders of a valid visa or green card who travel from the seven countries to the US through Logan Airport. This order is in effect for the next 7 days. The seven affected countries are: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. New guidance from MIT If you are a directly affected member of the MIT community who is currently traveling outside the United States and you wish to return to campus, we encourage you to fly back to Bostondirectly to Logan Airportas as soon as possible, and before February 4. The MIT administration is helping members of our community who we know to be traveling, including connecting them to legal resources. If you are from one of the seven affected countries and are not already in touch with us, please reach out. You can email David Elwell, Associate Dean and Director of the International Students Office, or Penny Rosser, Director of the International Scholars Office. We will do what we can to help you get back to campus. Noontime rally Students have organized a gathering in Lobby 7 for today at noon, ahead of a rally in Copley Square opposing the executive order. Faculty chair Krishna Rajagopal has emailed all faculty inviting them to attend: with this note, we invite the broader MIT community to join in a show of support for MIT’s values. We will send further updates as necessary. Sincerely, Martin A. Schmidt Cynthia Barnhart Maria T. Zuber * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tech article on a student directly affected by the executive order * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * student-organized rally in lobby 7, about an hour ago: chancellor barnhart (in blue, on the ground left of the pedestal) saying a few words headed up to copley square to stand with CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) Massachusetts: UPDATE: a picture from the rally in copley square, credit to my friend alyssa bonus picture of a protest doggo, also from alyssa Post Tagged #photography
Saturday, June 20, 2020
How does Edgar Allan Poe use dreams to portray terror and mirror the narrators sense of reality - Free Essay Example
Edgar Allan Poe was a writer during the 1800s and was wellknown for his poems and short stories (biography.com editors). With his use of horror and mystery, Poe was the father of the detective fiction story (biography.com editors). In many of his short stories, the lines between life and reality are seen to be blurry, especially after his death in 1849 (biography.com editors). During the late 1830s, Poe published his first collection of short stories, the Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. The Fall of the House of Usher and The Pit and the Pendulum were two of the many short stories published within the collection. Within these two short stories, and many of his other ones, Poe uses terror to tell the tale. As he was writing, Poe was informed of many instances that were real life situations; he used these situations to tell his stories about them through a more fictional mindset. For example, Poe used James Campbell Usher and Agnes Pye Ushersons of an actor who had previously performed with his motherto tell the story The Fall of the House of Usher (Semtner). In the beginning of the story, the narrator visits the Usher house to visit his childhood friend, Roderick Usher. Rodericks sister has become ill with a very mysterious disease. She later then dies and is buried in a room of the house. Roderick confesses to the narrator that he has been hearing strange sounds and is afraid that he has buried his sister alive. As his fears are confirmed, Madeline, his sister, stands in the doorway and attacks her brother. Roderick dies of fear as the narrator quickly flees from the property. The reallife us her twins were believed to have been insane; this is where Edgar Allan Poes inspiration for this specific story has come. He also used historical events, such as the Spanish Inquisition, and based The Pit and the Pendulum off of it. Pope Gregory IX called on the Inquisition to rid out the heretics in Europe. If the heretics did not want to confess to their crime, they were tortured until they did so. If they completely refused to confess, they were imprisoned and burned at the stake; the same goes for if they were guilty. Spanish leaders King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella asked the Popes permission to remove all individuals who were not catholic to purify the people of Spain (Semtner). In Edgar Allan Poes story, he writes the story of an individual telling his story of being convicted for heresy. He is brought into a chamber instead of being publicly prayed for and convicted and realizes he is not in a good situation. Although these stories are based on real life events, Edgar All an Poe is still able to make these stories dreamlike. By doing so, he portrays horror and uses them to mirror the narrators sense of reality. The anonymity of the first person narration in The Pit and the Pendulum creates a fuzzy and gloomydream likeeffect which helps the story come off as more terrifying. For example, during the Inquisition, heretics were tortured to death or tortured until they confessed. This was, no doubt, a horrifying experience for all individuals that were put through the trials. This is expressed when the narrator explains the judges lips to be whiter than the sheet upon which [he] traces [the] words and thin even to grotesqueness (Poe 3). When the narrator goes on to explain how [he] saw them fashion the syllables of [his] name, the audience can then see that when his name leaves the judges lips, it sounds as lifeless as he perceives their lips to be with the words white and thin to the point of disgust. Later, during the time of his trial, he asks himself, Yet what business had I with hope? (Poe 14). This reveals the obvious sense of hopelessness the speaker now has for his well being and his thoughts on the chances that he has of making it out of the situation alive. The use of the unnamed narrator allows for any individual to be placed in the narrators position. This then helps the reader realize that Poe is using this story to imitate the fears and terror of any individual that was victim to the inquisition, especially with the use of the words I and my repeatedly. In The Fall of the House of Usher, the anonymous speaker also tells his story in a first person narration. In this short story, the effect of anonymous first person narration allows the speaker to be present during the occurrence or situation, but not all the way physically there. For example, Roderick Usher is very upset that his sister has fallen terribly ill; the illness eventually leads to her death. After they buried her, an observable change came over the features of the mental disorder of [his] friend (Poe 18). The reader can also see the that his friend has beheld him gazing upon vacancy for long hours, in an attitude of the profoundest attention, as if listening to some imaginary sound (Poe 18). Here, the speaker is seen to be an observer, almost as if watching Roderick Usher behind a glass wall. There is also the instance as to where the narrator put his hand on his friends shoulder and [the narrator] saw that he spoke in a low, hurried, and gibbering murmur, as if uncons cious of my presence (Poe 24). This brings attention to the fact that the narrator really has no effect on Roderick Usher, making it seem as if he is not really present; he is just an observer. This is also seen throughout the multiple instances in which the narrator made an effort to lighten Ushers mood after the death of his sister by telling him a story, etc., but this has no effect on him. Lastly, when Madeline appears behind the door, covered in blood and the evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame, the narrator becomes fearful of the angry girl (Poe 25). Instead of her acknowledging him, she walks right past him, as if he is not there in the first place, and [falls] heavily inward upon the person of her brother, and in her violent and now final death agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse (Poe 25). One would think that she would be angry at both individuals for burying her alive, but she just kills her brother, instead of killing the narrat or too. This makes it seem as if he was only metaphysically present, creating the dream like aspect of the role of the narrator. The ability of the narrator to first handedly experience the situation creates the terror. In The Pit and the Pendulum and The fall of the House of Usher, Poe uses personification to create a dreamy effect which, in turn, creates a more terrorizing environment and allows the audience to understand the narrators sense of reality. To begin, in The Pit and the Pendulum, the speaker talks about seven tall candles that seemed as if they were white slender angles who would save [him] (Poe 3,4). This right away represents that the narrator is looking for a resolution in this unreal and terrifying situation. The hope for a dream like resolution to his terrifying situation reveals to the reader that is not able to process the fate of which his life faces. Throughout his tortuous stay in this dungeon, at one point, the speaker is introduced to an endless pit. In the centre yawned the circular pit from whose jaws I had escaped (Poe 11). The use of the word yawned indicated that the circumference of this pit must have been very large. Adding on to this, the use of the word jaw and us ing the word yawned to describe it allows to reader to understand that the narrator makes this pit out to be a monster trying to devour him. After the speaker has avoided the pit, he later finds himself tied up with a sharp, swinging pendulum slowly descending from the ceiling. It is lined up to slice horizontal of his heart. The whole [pendulum] hissed as it swung through the air (Poe 13). Again, Poe uses the word hissed making this object seem like it is an animal trying to kill the narratorthis is seen in the previous example of the pendulum. Again, he tells the audience that that pendulum swept so closely over [him] as to fan [him] with its acrid breath (Poe 13). Using the word acrid to describe the breath or the wind coming from the pendulum swinging suggests that the narrator does not want it getting any close, but in this situation, he cannot really help that. . As the narrator describes the hissing vigor of [the pendulums] descent, the reader can see the reference again to t he pendulum being thought of as some kind of angry animal trying to get to the narrator and harm him (Poe 14). As the speaker is contemplating death, he realizes that It was hope that whispers to the death condemned even in the dungeons of the inquisition (Poe 15). This is the first time since the speaker has been held captive that he brings up hope. Although the hope whispers he realizes that there is still a chance to escape this possibility of death. The personification allows for an unreal mindset of the narrator to be portrayed. Poe uses the personification to, not only create more terror and reveal what the narrator thought about the situation, but to make the situation more relatable so every reader can feel the terror those individuals were feeling throughout the Inquisition. Although there is not much personification in The Fall of the House of Usher, there is still some that allows for the creation of terror and the mirroring of the narrators sense of reality. The observation of the vacant and eye like windows suggests that the house has seen the fall of the Usher family, as the windows are vacant and the house is now mostly empty (Poe 3). The repetition of that the vacant and eye like windows suggest that the house itself is alive and is awaitingforeshadowingthe events that are to come. Also, the narrator realizes the hideous dropping off of the veil (Poe 3). This emphasizes the appearance in the narrators eyes as disappointing and nasty. Through the use of personification, Poe uses this to symbolize the presence of an evil force. The personification allows the house to seem unrealdreamlike. This helps to create and setup the terror in the beginning and also shows the reader perception of actuality. The surrealism in The Pit and the Pendulum also helps create the dreamy effect. The author has been tortured to an extent to which he feels disconnected from his physical self. He opens with, I WAS sicksick unto death with that long agony; and when they at length unbound me, and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me (Poe 1). This suggests that the narrator has been through such a traumatic experience that he cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not real. For example, when the judges are saying his name, he shuddered because no sound succeeded (Poe 3). Also, when he speaks of seven tall candles being white slender angles reveals to the reader that the speaker is on the brink of insanity. Again, he cannot hear or see things correctly because he cannot perceive reality correctly. This is because the hope he had for being found innocent had been crushed when he was found guilty and given the death penalty, hence why he could not hear a sound . In The Pit and the Pendulum, Edgar Allan Poe uses echoes to create terror. This is first seen when the narrator trips and falls, almost making his way into the endless pit in the floor of the room of the dungeon. As a small piece of debris falls into the pit, there is the sound of it hitting the water, and it is succeeded by loud echoes (Poe 9). Using this, Poe brings out a dreamy effect which also creates terror. In this case. The echo represents the emptiness of the well; the amount of them represents the deepness. This creates terror in possible ways that the narrator could fall in at any second, or that he did almost fall in. Considering that the room is very dark at this point, it is very possible for him to fall in, which would be very frightening. In The Fall of the House of Usher, the echo takes places when Madeline is mimicking the sounds from the book that the narrator is reading. This is dreamy in fact because it does not seem realthe narrator does not know how these sound s are repeatedly being produced every time he speaks of one. This also suggests the presence of evil which, in turn, creates a feeling of terror. Many of Edgar Allan Poes short stories are based off of real life events. This being said, the way that he incorporates the dream like effect in each of his writing allows the possibility of more horror and terror to take place in the audiences mind as they read. His use of personification suggests that the narrator perceives a more unreal situation than what is taking place; this makes it more terrifying to the audience in ways that it becomes more reliable considering the different characteristics he is allowing these things in the story to have. The use of surrealism in The Pit and the Pendulum suggests that the reader is going insane and cannot tell the different between reality and a deception. This also creates terror because it allows the reader to realize the horror the narrator has been through to make him think like he does. Lastly, he uses echoes in order to create a sense of emptiness to emphasize the fact that there is a horrifying truth waited to be revealed. Edgar All an Poes use of dreams in his short stories allows the reader to feel more connected to what the narrator feels and allows them to feel more strongly about it.
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